Biblical Mentoring:
What Some of Our Favorite Biblical Characters Teach Us About Mentoring
When my daughter was in elementary school, she expressed distress over having so many peers in her life. Her concern was that she couldn’t possibly be friends with that many people. It would take too much work. She wanted to have only a few close friends who would receive the focus of her time.
Upon receiving this information from her, I began a discussion regarding Jesus’ concentric circles of relationships. He was first circled by His inner three (Peter, James, and John), then by His 12 disciples and the women who traveled with Him. Beyond that He established close relationships with people such as Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Reaching out even further, He gave teachings to large crowds and to individuals either one on one (the woman at the well) or with others looking on (the man who couldn’t give up his earthly riches).
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